Instructor: |
Melissa Bond |
Location: | REALTOR Association of Acadiana 234 Rue Beauregard Date: April 16, 2025 Lafayette, LA 70508 Time: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Sponsored by the LA Real Estate Appraiser Coalition |
Review of: | Learning Objectives:
Through this course the attendants will gain increased and enhanced comprehension and achieve understanding of non-discriminatory practices while valuing properties. There will be exposure to Federal Laws and how to identify state laws and regulations including case studies scenarios. Comprehensive understanding of Fair Housing Laws and Regulations that affect the valuation process. A more defined grasp of best practices for avoiding valuation bias. Sponsored by the LA Real Estate Appraiser Coalition |
Fee: | Fee: $200 – advance payment for non-members of LAREAC
Fee: $220 – if paid within 10 days of the course offering
Accept: VISA & Mastercard in person only. Checks or money order can be mailed to the above address |
Accredited: | Appraiser Approval: LA, MS, AL, AR, TN, MREC |